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Academic Decathlon

Veterans Memorial High School Academic Decathlon Team

Adheres to the

United States Academic Decathlon® Vision, Mission, and Core Values


The vision of the U.S. Academic Decathlon® is to provide all students the opportunity to excel academically through team competition.


The mission of the U.S. Academic Decathlon® is to promote learning and academic excellence among students of varying achievement levels by developing and providing multidisciplinary academic competitions using U.S. Academic Decathlon® -based curricula.


As a premier national scholastic competition for high school students, the United States Academic Decathlon® believes in: The academic growth of students Challenging multidisciplinary learning Teamwork as a means to achieve self-knowledge and life skills Providing equal opportunities for students of different achievement levels The importance of inclusivity and diversity to learning and the human experience High standards of honesty and integrity Transparency in our relations and interactions with all of our stakeholders Excellence in our programs, services and activities Respect for diverse points of view

The 2022-2023 VMHS Academic Decathlon Team Accomplishments:


Natalia Garcia: 1st Place Art

Noah Carter: 2nd Place, 3rd Place, 3rd Place

Billy Braun: 1st Place Math, 1st Place Science, 2nd Place Social Science

Sam Choi: 3rd Place

Jason Choi: 2st Place

Bandera Invitational

JISD Battle of the Brains Scrimmage


Academic Decathlon Regional Competition

Academic Decathlon State Competition


Sponsor: Mrs. Madrid-Vidaurri

Meeting Dates and Time: Thursday’s 8:15 – 8: 45AM