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Counselor (Doe thru Jen)


Phone: (210) 619-0220 x18056

Ms. Maria Ochoa

Having served students in the classroom for the past 23 years and inspired by my own students is what  has led me in obtaining a MA in Guidance and Counseling.  However, this would not had been possible without the strong family support system that I was blessed with.  My family consists  of my husband and 4 children ages 4, 5, 6 and 10, all whom attend schools within JISD.  Why JISD, well because this is where my heart is and I call it my home and this is where my family needs to be. 

Now, I launch myself in serving JISD students at Veterans Memorial High School in becoming successful citizens and eventually reach their highest potential within the diverse world we live in.

I strongly believe that understanding diverse cultural backgrounds is of utmost importance.  In fact, this is one of the main reasons that education has become more important throughout all cultures.

Please feel free to contact me via e-mail or by phone if I can be of service.  Remember that I am only a phone call or e-mail away.  Always at your service,

Maria Elena Ochoa